Wednesday, October 1, 2008

selamat hari raya! jom main bunga api...

salam all..been taking a break from all this blogging thingy for almost 3 months..reason(s)?? la.. apa lagi (cewahh)..tu la pasal tak dapek nak blogging senaqnya the main reason is..plain malas.. hahaha...jujur nih...even wa malas blogging..wa still vist my fav links daily..(ada lak masa kan..hikhik)..i guess membaca lagi best dari menulis (or in this case typing)

tp arini..masa ni..mmg im plain F***ing boring..coz monsters all td pi umah papa depa..pi beraya their side tgh tunggu my lil' monsters balik la nih...when they are with me..there's no time to be bored lgsg...tau la..nama pun lil' monsters kan...hehe..but i lurvvvv my monsters so much.. sambil2 blogging nih tgh packing brg2 nak balik umah wan esok.. mcm byk lak pack kan baju2 lil monsters ni..95% mcm their things je nih..tak pe my mak always said biaq lebih jgn kurang...esp my littlest monster.. suka nak tukaq2 baju.. ehhh..nih dah ramblings mengarut2 jek nih..

k lah..dah masuk isyak pun...wanna do my prayer..pastuh duk bwh tunggu depa balik...

blogoff for now..tak tau bila rajin nanti masuk balik..utk semua my frens n family n sapa2 yg duk nyinggah...selamat hari raya again..maaf zahir batin...tuk lin kat MI, USA..jgn sedih2 k beraya kat pumpkin fa, umai, maisarah kat stockholm, jgn sedih2 naaa..nanti balik cuti la wehhh next year masa roy kawen tu ..bln 5 kot insyaallah, to ana, bag coach dah sampai..esok orang bwk balik kg..see ya there, tuk affyn darling..sory sgt2 td tak dgr fon tuh...sian tak dpt raya ngan bag baru..hampunnn!! to my nok, kevin J, sory la nok tak dpt nak gi airport, quite busy kat umah nih..selamat bekerja ya...see ya next M, selamat hari raya dear, ehhh..mentang dah lama havent been blogging...dah jd terpanjang lak...ciao

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

its there

saya sgt gembira & lega bila saya dpt khabar dr awak. walaupun saya tau saya tak perlu risaukan awak but all the same the worrying will always be there. its because i care about you kan.kdg2 saya rasa yg kita tak perlu nak ucapkan sesuatu itu sbb its like that we have connection.bila saya rasa perlukan awak, awak selalu muncul tetiba sampaikan saya selalu tergamam sbb mcm ada mind connection..hehe..poyo kan thats what always happen..kan..mcm saya pernah cakap...when u feel like missing me..thats the time that i miss you kita jarang sebut benda ni kan..we just feel it kan D..

blog SS?!!!?

mmg ya blog is for me to SS! this is my blog kan? so its up to me whether i want to SS or not or whatever.. cuma saya belum berapa nak berani utk letak pix in this blog though i want so much to share them with u guys who always drop by.

whatever i've written so far n gonna write in the future are all my personal feelings & opinion. im writing straight from my heart. im writing honestly to express my feelings itu yg mungking jadi SS. but the fact of the matter is saya cuma menulis apa yg saya rasa if u guys think that im over the board & SS too bad! again i'd like to stress its my blog. so be it

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

singgah tapi tak masuk...

i took some time off from work (ampunn boss..cheq tuang sat nooo).. coz there are questions from those who always drop by my blog why i havent been blogging for quite some time.. bukannya tak mau..tapi i tak tau nak blog kan apa..actually bukan tak tak mau...bcoz tak ada rasa nak blogging kan anything yg worth sharing.. pada yg bertanya dan selalu drop by my blog yang nothing much ni..tq ya..saya pun ada drop by u guys punya tak tinggalkan footprint..hehe..korang pun baca je kan my blog..takde komen apa2 kan..
insyaallah i'll start blogging again what's goin on in my life ni..actually purpose blog ni is for me to express my self and to share my life..kan saya ni tak ada siapa yg nak share my saya share everything in this blog...kalau ada org nak singgah n masuk..u are most welcome to my humble blog..kalau ada yg singgah tp tak masuk pun terima kasih ya..
pada org tu..mmg saya dah biasa keadaan awak yg busy...dont worry bout me too much..i know u care..i care bout u too...saya selalunya cuma risau bout ur health..yg lain2 tu saya tau awak boleh jaga..dan saya tau apa yg awak risaukan dgn saya..but u dont have to ok...kalau awak rasa rindu kat saya..maknanya masa tu saya rindu kat awak's true kan..bila awak sedang ingat saya..saya pun sebenarnya sedang ingat awak..but u know that already..thanks for trusting me as i do u...saya risaukan awak sbb awak tu bila dah bekerja tak ingat yg lain2 kecuali saya..hehe...thank you ya awak sbb selalu bagi saya curi masa bekerja awak tu..kerja kuat2 ya tp health tu jaga gak tau..saya tau awak ada singgah tp tak masuk i right M?

Saturday, June 21, 2008

duh!!!(part III)

i actually wanted to write this last nite...but i just couldnt..everytime i think about it i felt like crying...saya rasa sebak sgt....saya nak menulis sebab the news i rcvd yesterday morning was the one that i've been waiting for like a month or so...yes, it was good news for me and few others... alhamdulillah...saya rasa sgt2 bersyukur dgn rezeki Allah ni...terima kasih... tp utk sebilangan yang was sad..bukan saja sedih tp me & the others yg rcvd good news tu tak tau sama ada kami patut bergembira atau the end kami duduk diam2 je... seboleh mungkin kami nak menjaga hati mereka jugak... saya sgt faham perasaan mereka i told one of them..there's just no words tu console...

maybe some of you are thinking what am i rattling about ni..mcm mambang mabuk brandi ke hapa..(hehe) well im not... saya cuma nak tekankan..dlm kehidupan ni there's always two sides of everything...mcm ying & yang...mcm happiness & sorrow...mcm black & white... bila ada org the same time ada org berduka...saya sudah melalui dua2 side ni... jd saya faham perasaan berada di sebelah mana2 pihak pun.. di mana2 tpt saya pergi..saya sll menjadi org yg plg im like a kakak to almost everyone... jd bila 2 org adik2 saya tidak dapat berita yg menggembirakan saya & adik2 yg lain tu ..i was shocked at was so unbelievable to just couldnt be... these two ppl ialah org yg plg rapat dgn yg selalu saya cari kalau in need...ppl who can listen & support me... 2 org ni jugak yg byk mengajar saya... kerana itulah sedih mereka menjadi pedih di hati saya...i woke up early this morning & did my sembahyang tahjud & sembahyang hajat as usual bila saya tak boleh tido...the diff was...the prayers were especially for them..saya bersyukur sgt2 & gembira dgn apa yg Allah beri kegembiraan saya akan lebih berganda kalau 2 org adik2 saya ni dapat share apa yg kami dapat ni jugak...

saya sebenarnya tak tau apa yg boleh saya ckp utk meredakan adik2 saya..whom im sure at this moment sgt2 hiba..sgt2 saya doakan mereka byk2 bersabar & berdoa pada Allah yg some miracle will happen... lebih byk saya bercakap pasal ni lebih pedih lagi hati ni..lebih pilu lagi mereka... take care ya..

pada adik2 saya yg dpt berita gembira ni..congratulations & good luck! just remember, it wont be getting any easier guys, just getting more tougher! a reminder utk saya jugak... just be passionate with what you do and buat seikhlasnya ya...

Sunday, June 15, 2008

the others

gosh!i went into "that" forum & was browsing here & there when i came across this "section" where ppl (like me & others) who have problems in their life that they just couldnt talk bout their problems to ppl closest to them. Instead (like me also...) these ppl find that they are most comfortable talking and exposing their problems to strangers!!! yes, STRANGERS whom they meet in the forum a.k.a CYBER!!! believe it man! Strangers whom they never ever met, strange isnt it?well, in these days not anymore... there are ppl whom you can actually trust even if u just meet them in cyber... same as when u meet someone in this real life.. u'll just have to follow ur instinct & oh boy, u might find it strange but u DO can rely on ur instinct man!

with that in mind (all the instinct thingie..) u still have to be careful when putting ur trust in ppl whom u met in cyberspace.. once u put ur trust in that person, it means u are taking ur own risk.. but as far as instinct goes it seldom lies to u...

back to "that" forum... many ppl are sharing many stories with other ppl...stories of their lives..some stories i have my own "hands-on" experiences... some stories are sounding too much to be truth..but what the heck..its cyber right? whether the stories are true..or just makebelieves..who cares...whats important is those stories shows that im not alone..there are a lot of other ppl just like me..some even have worst fate than me... thats why i always tell myself..if i think that what im going thru is bad..there are actually worse cases out there... thank God i managed to have an amicable ending..i just cannot imagine if my case was prolonged... it would drained me.. n him..n the kids...n everyone around us... but whatever it is..its NOT EASY! that much i can tell u..its never easy isnt it?it has never been! whether its amicable or never has been easy... but for me personally... though it has been tough & rough, i have support from family & friends esp from my tower of strength the 2 Ms... thanks M for being there when i really needed someone that i could trust, thanks for ur precious time that i have taken so much, thanks for sharing my life (or shall i say my unpleasant life), thanks for giving me whatever u've given me so far, thanks for encouraging me to continue with my life and make me realised my self-value, self-respect & most of all thanks so much for just being u, for just suddenly being there whenever i feel like needing u (mcm ada instinct je ..hehe) & D, thanks for accepting me as i am...

to the others out is too precious & too short..make the most of it.. Sometimes Allah take back what He already gave u in order for Him to replace it with something better...pls do not have regrets in your life..for whatever is it good or bad..there's always a blessing in disguise... just be patient & be strong... and do not bottle up inside when u are facing to someone..get someone to listen..take it from me.. it helps ..even if what that someone can do is only listen.. even if that someone is your trusted friend from cyber...'s too precious n short...

kenapa singgah kalau tak masuk.....(ke dalam hatiku)?!!!

Jarang sekali terdengar bunyi
Ketukan di pintu hatiku ini
Kalau ada pun bila ku buka
Tiada siapa yang berada di luar

Tapi sejak dua menjak kini
Ku merasakan bagai ada tetamu
Tanpa dijemput sudi menjenguk
Pada waktu sepi menemaniku

Tidak mungkin tiada di sini
Kerna tiada siapa pernah kisah
Akan aku tertanya ku siapa kamu
Kenapa singgah kalau tak masuk
Ke dalam hatiku

Jarang sekali ku rasa rindu
Menantikan waktu untuk bertemu
Bisakah bersua walau seminit
Agar lahir peluang berterima kasih

Jarang sekali ku sebegini
Mengharapkan hati untuk diselami
Jangan biar fikiranku buntu
Memikirkan mimpi dalam jagaku

Thursday, May 1, 2008


Have you ever felt some kind of emptiness inside
You will never measure up, to those people
must be strong, can't show them that you're weak
Have you ever told someone something
That's far from the truth
Let them know that you're okay
Just to make them stop
All the wondering, and questions they may have

I'm okay, I really am now
Just needed some time, to figure things out
Not telling lies, I'll be honest with you
Still we don't know what's yet to come

Have you ever seen your face,
In a mirror there's a smile
But inside you're just a mess,
You feel far from good
Need to hide, 'cos they'd never understand
Have you ever had this wish, of being
Somewhere else
To let go of your disguise, all your worries too
And from that moment, then you see things clear

I'm okay, I really am now
Just needed some time, to figure things out
Not telling lies, I'll be honest with you
Still we don't know what's yet to come

Are you waiting for the day
When your pain will disappear
When you know that it's not true
What they say about you
You could not care less about the things
Surrounding you
Ignoring all the voices from the walls

I'm okay, I really am now
Just needed some time, to figure things out
Not telling lies, I'll be honest with you
Still we don't know what's yet to come
I'm okay, I really am now
Just needed some time, to figure things out
Not telling lies, I'll be honest with you
Still we don't know what's yet to come

Still we don't know what's yet to come
Still we don't know what's yet to come

Wednesday, April 30, 2008


You could be my unintendedChoice to live my life extendedYou could be the one I´ll always loveYou could be the one who listens to my deepest inquisitionsYou could be the one I´ll always loveI´ll be there as soon as I canBut I´m busy mending broken pieces of the life I had beforeFirst there was the one who challengedAll my dreams and all my balanceHe could never be as good as youYou could be my unintendedChoice to live my life extendedYou should be the one I´ll always loveI´ll be there as soon as I canBut I´m busy mending broken pieces of the life I had beforeI´ll be there as soon as I canBut I´m busy mending broken pieces of the life I had beforeBefore you

p/s my sis always listens to MUSE b4 n forever n ever BUT i've never felt like REALLY listening to their songs NOW since i heard RIZ sang their song rasa cam nak dgr everyday MUSE ni esp this song...The song's so sad n cam ada begging element tp at the same time it shows ketabahan n kekuatan recover from the downfall or something...thats how i feel la bila dgr unintended ni...

Sunday, April 13, 2008

cinta tak pernah sama

dan semua berakhir
aku pun terus hidup
melayang aku di hujung benak ku

perih yang aku cari
yang ku akhiri
yang membuatku hidup

sudah berlalu biarkanlah berlalu
maafkan aku tak kan kembali padamu

cinta tak akan pernah sama
tak akan pernah bisa
paksa aku
jangan pernah berfikir
itu salah
masih banyak cinta di dunia

dan semua berakhir
aku pun terus hidup
melayang aku di hujung benak ku

perih yang aku cari
yang ku akhiri
yang membuatku hidup

sudah berlalu biarkanlah berlalu
maafkan aku tak kan kembali padamu

lihat diriku hancur karena mu
lihat diriku berlutut di hadapmu
lihat diriku hancur karena mu
hempaskan aku karena dirimu

berhenti berharap

Aku tak percaya lagi
Dengan apa yang kau beri
Aku terdampar disini
Tersudut menunggu mati
Aku tak percaya lagi
Akan guna matahari
Yang dulu mampu terangi
Sudut gelap hati ini

Aku berhenti berharap
Dan menunggu datang gelap
Sampai nanti suatu saat
Tak ada cinta kudapat
Kenapa ada derita
Bila bahagia tercipta
Kenapa ada sang hitam
Bila putih menyenangkan

Aku pulang...
Tanpa dendam
Ku terima kekalahanku
Aku pulang...
Tanpa dendam
Ku salutkan kemenanganmu

Kau ajarkan aku bahagia
Kau ajarkan aku derita
Kau tunjukan aku bahagia
Kau tunjukan aku derita
Kau berikan aku bahagia
Kau berikan aku derita


Aku pulang...
Tanpa dendam
Ku terima kekalahanku
Rebahkan tangguhmu
Lepaskan perlahan
Kau akan mengerti

Aku berhenti berharap
Dan menunggu datang gelap
Sampai nanti suatu saat
Tak ada cinta kudapat

p/s duhh...

menghapus jejakmu

Terus melangkah melupakanmu
Belah hati perhatikan sikapmu
Jalan pikiranmu buatku ragu
Tak mungkin ini tetap bertahan

Perlahan mimpi terasa mengganggu
Kucoba untuk terus menjauh
Perlahan hatiku terbelenggu
Kucoba untuk lanjutkan itu

Engkau bukanlah segalaku
Bukan tempat tuk hentikan langkahku
Usai sudah semua berlalu
Biar hujan menghapus jejakmu

Terus melangkah melupakanmu
Belah hati perhatikan sikapmu
Jalan pikiranmu buatku ragu
Tak mungkin ini tetap bertahan

Perlahan mimpi terasa mengganggu
Kucoba untuk terus menjauh
Perlahan hatiku terbelenggu
Kucoba untuk lanjutkan itu

Engkau bukanlah segalaku
Bukan tempat tuk hentikan langkahku
Usai sudah semua berlalu
Biar hujan menghapus jejakmu

Lepaskan segalanya
Lepaskan segalanya

Engkau bukanlah segalaku
Bukan tempat tuk hentikan langkahku
Usai sudah semua berlalu
Biar hujan menghapus jejakmu


p/s baru dgr aliff nyanyi td..tetiba cam best lak..VC dia pun so cute...i like..cute je ariel kena kejar ngan dak ppuan tu..

Saturday, April 12, 2008

jangan bersedih lagi

Jangan bersedih lagi
Keringkanlah titisan air mata di pipi

Tabahkan hatimu
Sekalipun tak pernah terduga
Halangan yang melanda
Impian bersama

Jangan dikesali
Atas apa yang terjadi
Mungkin rahmat sebaliknya
Membuahkan bahagia

Aku tahu
Kita sama saling percaya
Tidak pernah
Ada dusta
Kasih antara kita
Jangan berduka
Jangan berdendam pada sesiapa
Segala-galanya dengan redha

Jangan bersedih lagi
Keringkanlah titisan air mata di pipi

Tabahkan hatimu
Sekalipun tak pernah terduga
Halangan yang melanda
Impian bersama

Jangan dikesali
Atas apa yang terjadi
Mungkin rahmat sebaliknya
Membuahkan bahagia

Aku tahu
Kita sama saling percaya
Tidak pernah
Ada dusta
Kasih antara kita
Jangan berduka
Jangan berdendam pada sesiapa
Segala-galanya dengan redha

Mungkin suatu hari
kita akan bersama lagi
Aku masih mengharap segalanya
Kan berulang semula

Aku tahu
Kita sama saling menyinta
Tidak pernah
Ada dusta
Kasih antara kita
Jangan berduka kekasihku
Jangan berdendam pada sesiapa
Segala-galanya dengan redha

Tidak pernah
Ada dusta
Kasih antara kita
Jangan berduka kekasihku
Jangan berdendam pada sesiapa
Segala-galanya dengan redha

p/s i never heard this song until bob sang it..rupa2nya lagu abg anuar ehh..heard \abg nuar's version tp rasanya bob's rendition is better...matilahh kalau abg nuar tau saya ckp mcm serious masa abg nuar recorded this song suara dia not as matured as suara bob mmg cukup dynamic and all for this song ..and his feel superb..bang nuar jgn sentap k..

hanya kau yang mampu

Ku cuba redakan relung hati
Bayangmu yang berlalu pergi
Terlukis di dalam kenangan
Bebas bermain di hatiku

Cerita tentang masa lalu
Cerita tentang kau dan aku
Kini tinggal hanya kenangan
Kau abadi di dalam hatiku

Harusnya takkan ku biarkan engkau pergi
Membuat ku terpuruk rasa ingin mati
Derita yang mendera kapan akan berakhir
Hanya engkau yang mampu taklukkan hatiku

Cerita tentang masa lalu
Cerita tentang kau dan aku
Kini tinggal hanya kenangan
Kau abadi di dalam hatiku

Harusnya takkan ku biarkan kau pergi
Membuat ku terpuruk rasa ingin mati
Derita yang mendera kapan akan berakhir
Hanya engkau yang mampu taklukkan hatiku

Aku cinta ooohhhhhh
Aku cinta oooooooo
Aku cinta ooohhhhhh
Aku cinta oooooooo

Harusnya takkan ku biarkan engkau pergi
Membuat ku terpuruk rasa ingin mati
Derita yang mendera kapan akan berakhir
Hanya engkau yang mampu taklukkan hatiku

Aku cinta ooohhhhhh
Aku cinta oooooooo
Aku cinta ooohhhhhh
Aku cinta oooooooo

Hanya engkau yang mampu taklukkan hatiku

p/s tonite im gonna post few lyrics yang jadi fav saya at the pada pencipta lagu & penulis lirik..i'll try to find their names..

Friday, April 11, 2008

duhh... (part 2)

Melawan Kesepian
Apapun yang terjadi
Berjalanlah tanpa henti
Air mata tertahan
Waktu untuk dijatuhkan

Nanti kita kan tahu
Betapa bijaknya hidup
Sepahit apapun ini
Pelajaran yang bererti

Semoga kepergianmu
Tak akan merubah apapun
Semoga mampu kulawan

Nanti kita kan tahu
Betapa bijaknya hidup
Sepahit apapun ini
Pelajaran yang bererti

Semoga kepergianmu
Tak akan merubah apapun
Semoga mampu kulawan

Semoga kepergianmu
Tak akan merubah apapun
Semoga mampu kulawan

Semoga kepergianmu
Tak akan...
Semoga mampu kulawan

Apapun yang terjadi
Berjalanlah tanpa henti..

Thursday, April 10, 2008

lamunan terhenti...

terhenti lamunan bila ku dikejutkan.....

ada org dikejut sekali sudah bangun...
ada org dikejut beberapa kali baru bangun...
ada org dikejutkan byk byk byk kali pun tak mahu bangun2........


thanks for smacking me down...saya rasa honoured n bertuah ada kwn yg mcm awak ni...awak sanggup nak terima saya yg byk kekurangan ni n yg paling saya appreciate awak sanggup dan rela nak membantu saya membetulkan kesalahan saya...bkn semua org yg boleh tunjukkan kesalahan org lain dan kemudian tolong memperbetulkan..I NEEDED THAT..needed someone yang can push me up...not get me down..but no one seemed to notice or care..ohh silap...saya rasa ramai jugak yg noticed and even care..cuma takde sapa yg nak cakap terang2 dgn saya...lebih ramai org yg cuma point out your fault tp tak mau tolong tunjuk ajar...saya tak salah kan org apa yg terjadi selama ni adalah atas kelemahan saya sendiri...saya mmg jenis yang tak tau mcm mana nak minta tolong..jenis yg "let it be".. i know its bad attitude.. tp bila kamu pernah mengalami apa yg saya alami selama bertahun2..bila saban waktu kamu asyik didown2kan...bila kamu biarkan diri kamu dibuat sesuka hati selama bertahun2...lama2 terlekat jugak dlm pemikiran ni...n it will take some time to change the habit...and at this moment mmg i need all the support that u guys can give me... bkn saya nak mintak perhatian kamu... im not shouting for attention.. i need support fr all closest to n friends... dr kamu semua la saya dpt kekuatan utk berdiri..sbb saya tak sekuat yg saya cuba tunjukkan...saya tak setabah yg saya cuba gambarkan..saya perlu pamerkan kekuatan dan ketabahan saya di depan semua org sbb saya tak mahu simpati kamu..bkn simpati yg saya nak..simpati akan menjadikan saya lebih lembik dan lemah.. tp saya perlukan dorongan dan pinjamkan lah saya semangat kamu semua jugak... all the end of the day saya tahu saya yg perlu mengubah semua ni...saya bukan jenis org yg lemah sebenarnya..saya boleh bangkit kembali... but still..saya rasa once in a while kalau kamu npk saya dah nak offtrack tu...sergah la saya..tarik saya balik ok...just smack me down!

Monday, April 7, 2008


nowadays i always feel tired after come back from office...tu yg buatkan end up tidur awal..almost every night...cuma on weekends je stay up late..little bit late la..
tp sometimes before i go to sleep i just on my IM..and yahoo ni pun kebelakangan ni bengong gak..bila nak sign in tak boleh..kemudian2 terSign in sendiri..boleh ke? sometimes ada friends yg ckp npk saya online padahal masa tu saya dah selamat2 tidur ...hehe..anyway there are times mmg saya on kan my yahoo tu..ada la sebab2 tertentu...and sometimes saya online but invi to everyone..kalo org tu ada connection dgn saya..dia pasti dpt rasakan saya ada..
tp kalau anyone say hi and i dont reply..maknanya saya dah tidur la tu...ramai yg bertanya mana saya pergi sbb tak npk saya kat yahoo ke kat forum ke kat mana2..well as i said ..i get tired easily nowadays..i think kena ambil supplement la saya ni..bila saya rasa mcm tu mmg malas and takde mood nak online kalau ada yg sms or call saya mintak saya online..kalau saya belum tidur..sure saya akan online..and ada jugak yg mmg kerjanya mengejutkan saya bgn dr tidur pagi2 buta tu..these are ppl yg kat yg dr diff time zone..sllnya saya bgn n layan jugak la..sbb mengingatkan yg kami mmg susah nak jumpa siang2 tu..saya bgn la jugak.. bkn announcement apa pun..cuma nak inform to those yg complaint saya takmo layan ur IM..kira my justification la..acceptable or not..up to u guys...

Sunday, April 6, 2008

thank YOU!

For all those times you stood by me
For all the truth that you made me see
For all the joy you brought to my life
For all the wrong that you made right
For every dream you made come true
For all the love I found in you
I'll be forever thankful baby
You're the one who held me up
Never let me fall
You're the one who saw me through through it all

You were my strength when I was weak
You were my voice when I couldn't speak
You were my eyes when I couldn't see
You saw the best there was in me
Lifted me up when I couldn't reach
You gave me faith 'coz you believed
I'm everything I am
Because you loved me

You gave me wings and made me fly
You touched my hand I could touch the sky
I lost my faith, you gave it back to me
You said no star was out of reach
You stood by me and I stood tall
I had your love I had it all
I'm grateful for each day you gave me
Maybe I don't know that much
But I know this much is true
I was blessed because I was loved by you

You were my strength when I was weak
You were my voice when I couldn't speak
You were my eyes when I couldn't see
You saw the best there was in me
Lifted me up when I couldn't reach
You gave me faith 'coz you believed
I'm everything I am
Because you loved me

You were always there for me
The tender wind that carried me
A light in the dark shining your love into my life
You've been my inspiration
Through the lies you were the truth
My world is a better place because of you

You were my strength when I was weak
You were my voice when I couldn't speak
You were my eyes when I couldn't see
You saw the best there was in me
Lifted me up when I couldn't reach
You gave me faith 'coz you believed
I'm everything I am
Because you loved me

I'm everything I am
Because you loved me

kdg2 saya rasa dlm hidup ni..apa yg kita nak sgt kita tak dapat..though we try our very best...bkn tak ketetapan Allah tu siapa pun tak dapat ubah...sebab saya selalu diingatkan oleh org itu yg Allah lebih tahu apa yg terbaik untuk kita semua..dan org itu pun sll bagitahu saya kalo Allah dah tetapkan sesuatu itu akan terjadi..ia akan tetap terjadi..dan jgn menyesal atau serik jika kita tak berjaya the first time around....dan saya rasa kita tak patut fikir yg percubaan kita tu futile...even kita mencuba dan tak berjaya..byk sebenarnya yg kita dapat dr ketidakberjayaan itu...satunya..yg pada saya plg berharga..pengajaran..even if u have to pay for it..dari ketidakberjayaan itu we pick up the pieces and move on dgn lebih berjaya dan lebih yakin...yakin pada diri sendiri..yakin pada org2 yg sentiasa bersama kita waktu susah dan senang...Allah ambil semula apa yg kita ada untuk berikan kita sesuatu yg lebih baik lagi...itu yg selalu saya katakan pada diri sebagai penenang hati saya..sbb kdg2 dtg lintasan hati yg tak elok yg buatkan saya rasa sgt down bila terfikir that im a failure..teruk kan...nasib baik sekeliling saya ramai "counsellors" and "motivators"...thank YOU!!!

semangat yang hilang

these past few weeks rasa cam semangat yg satu ni dah hilang...not lost in translation...but lost ntah ke mana...been wandering agaknya...sometimes bila otak saya ni rasa berserabut...mmg semangat saya akan hilang...kalo tak kerana my 3 little monsters tu...ntah ke mana dah pergi semangat tu...but bcoz of them i have to stay put...kena tunjuk kuat...kalo saya tak kuat untuk dia org..sapa lagi kan...

anyway semangat yg hilang ni is the title of a song by xpdc...its one of my favourite...but i prefer version yg mail nyanyi...not ali punya version..

back to my semangat yg hilang ni..tetiba mln ni dpt balik dah...lps chat dgn 2 org who are so special to me...last nite teringat sgt kat these two...u can say rindu la jugak...esp yg sorang tu...tiba2 mlm ni dua2 ada...kebetulan ke 6th sense ni....anyway thanks guys...its so amazing...dgn dpt khabar fr both of u dah dapat kembalikan semula semangat saya yg hilang tu.. yg awak tu..saya tunggu awak reda...

tak payah cakap words are needed...iya ke ni...mesti nak dgr gak the words kan sebenarnya..hehe

When You Say Nothing At All

It's amazing how you can speak right to my heart
Without saying a word, you can light up the dark
Try as I may I could never explain
What I hear when you don't say a thing

The smile on your face let me know that you need me
There's a truth in your eyes saying you'll never leave me
The touch of your hand says you'll catch me whenever I fall
You say it best when you say nothing at all

All day long I can hear people talking out loud
But when you hold me near, you drown out the crowd (the crowd)
Try as they may they can never define
What's been said between your heart and mine

The smile on your face let me know that you need me
There's a truth in your eyes saying you'll never leave me
The touch of your hand says you'll catch me whenever I fall
You say it best when you say nothing at all

The smile on your face let me know that you need me
There's a truth in your eyes saying you'll never leave me
The touch of your hand says you'll catch me whenever I fall
You say it best when you say nothing at all

You say it best when you say nothing at all
You say it best when you say nothing at all..

The smile on your face
The truth in your eyes
The touch of your hand
Let me know that you need me

this one for u too darling...

lagu lagi

dunno why ..again...tonite rasa mcm nak dgr lagu2 ni..anyway lagu hazrul nizam ni i stumbled upon masa cari lagu reez kat youtube...thought it was his version of ruth's song...rupanya it's his own song...anyway hazrul ni singaporean ya...for those who dunno him...this is such a beautiful song...suka sgt lirik dia...listen to the melody n feel the lyrics..u'll get what i mean..

Kaulah Segalanya – Hazrul Nizam

Kau merubah segala,
Cinta yang ku dahaga,
Kehadiran dirimu menyinari
Mekar semula hatiku,
Kau lukis hidupku kau hias hatiku
Kau sambut cintaku tulus ikhlas
Suci hatimu kasih

Kaulah segalanya,
Yang menyinar hidupku, kasih
Hanya satunya yang ku cintai

Hulur tanganmu kasih,
Sambut cintaku,
Jangan kau pergi dari sisiku
Cintaku padamu ikhlas sejati

Hulur tanganmu kasih,
Sambut cintaku
Jangan tinggalkan daku sorang diri
Tak sanggup lagi dilukai

Maafkan aku, jika salahku,
Peristiwa yang pernah ku alami dulu
Aku tahu, betapa pahit mu,
Menerima sejarah hidupku

Kaulah segalanya,
Yang menyinar hidupku, kasih
Hanya satunya yang ku cintai

Sambutlah cintaku
Jangan kau pergi dari sisiku
Cintaku padamu ikhlas sejati

Cintaku padamu, ikhlas sejati

this song reminds me of someone who is very dear to me...someone who has a special place in my heart..i am so blessed to know u...wherever u are...u know who u are...thanks for being there when i needed someone...for always giving me ur valuable time...i owe u darling...

Superman...errr..should read as SUPERWOMAN actually...

I can’t stand to fly
I’m not that naive
I’m just out to find
The better part of me

I’m more than a bird...i’m more than a plane
More than some pretty face beside a train
It’s not easy to be me

Wish that I could cry
Fall upon my knees
Find a way to lie
About a home I’ll never see

It may sound absurd...but don’t be naive
Even heroes have the right to bleed
I may be disturbed...but won’t you concede
Even heroes have the right to dream
It’s not easy to be me

Up, up and away...away from me
It’s all can all sleep sound tonight
I’m not crazy...or anything...

I can’t stand to fly
I’m not that naive
Men weren’t meant to ride
With clouds between their knees

I’m only a man in a silly red sheet
Digging for kryptonite on this one way street
Only a man in a funny red sheet
Looking for special things inside of me
Inside of me
Inside me
Yeah, inside me
Inside of me

I’m only a man
In a funny red sheet
I’m only a man
Looking for a dream

I’m only a man
In a funny red sheet
And it’s not easy, hmmm, hmmm, hmmm...

Its not easy to be me

p/s this is actually quite an old song..i've heard it many times before..but dunno why when i heard it feels it just me or what...

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

here I M..second time..second chance...

at second blog..but actually this is like my first one..since im not gonna use the "other" blog anymore..not gonna share it with anyone anymore...wanna crumple that blog and throw it far awayyy..but not gonna do it (not at this juncture anyway)..i'll still have the "other" blog since i have most of my fav songs there..the songs are what left of the blog anyway..dont have much there..all other entries been erased by yours truly...why?if u know me..then u'll know why..

been meaning to do this for quite some time..but biasa la yours truly ni..nanti..nanti..sampai la ada makcik duk bebel.."akak..bukak la blog..bila lagi?akak ni jenis nak kena suruh tau..bla..bla..bla.." cant stand her whining anymore..tu yg mlm ni i created this new blog..hehe..i know she meant well..thanks ain..

nak tunggu rizal..ntah bilo nak ajau wa bkk wa jln dulu la ye bro...u read my blog first then give/share with me ur ideas..kalo ada la..n if u want to...hehe

this blog will be the place for me to pour my thoughts, feelings it will be a very personal blog to me...and i will share it only with those dear to my heart..coz i'll be opening up my heart in holding back..nothing barred..all from MYHEART...