Sunday, June 15, 2008

the others

gosh!i went into "that" forum & was browsing here & there when i came across this "section" where ppl (like me & others) who have problems in their life that they just couldnt talk bout their problems to ppl closest to them. Instead (like me also...) these ppl find that they are most comfortable talking and exposing their problems to strangers!!! yes, STRANGERS whom they meet in the forum a.k.a CYBER!!! believe it man! Strangers whom they never ever met, strange isnt it?well, in these days not anymore... there are ppl whom you can actually trust even if u just meet them in cyber... same as when u meet someone in this real life.. u'll just have to follow ur instinct & oh boy, u might find it strange but u DO can rely on ur instinct man!

with that in mind (all the instinct thingie..) u still have to be careful when putting ur trust in ppl whom u met in cyberspace.. once u put ur trust in that person, it means u are taking ur own risk.. but as far as instinct goes it seldom lies to u...

back to "that" forum... many ppl are sharing many stories with other ppl...stories of their lives..some stories i have my own "hands-on" experiences... some stories are sounding too much to be truth..but what the heck..its cyber right? whether the stories are true..or just makebelieves..who cares...whats important is those stories shows that im not alone..there are a lot of other ppl just like me..some even have worst fate than me... thats why i always tell myself..if i think that what im going thru is bad..there are actually worse cases out there... thank God i managed to have an amicable ending..i just cannot imagine if my case was prolonged... it would drained me.. n him..n the kids...n everyone around us... but whatever it is..its NOT EASY! that much i can tell u..its never easy isnt it?it has never been! whether its amicable or never has been easy... but for me personally... though it has been tough & rough, i have support from family & friends esp from my tower of strength the 2 Ms... thanks M for being there when i really needed someone that i could trust, thanks for ur precious time that i have taken so much, thanks for sharing my life (or shall i say my unpleasant life), thanks for giving me whatever u've given me so far, thanks for encouraging me to continue with my life and make me realised my self-value, self-respect & most of all thanks so much for just being u, for just suddenly being there whenever i feel like needing u (mcm ada instinct je ..hehe) & D, thanks for accepting me as i am...

to the others out is too precious & too short..make the most of it.. Sometimes Allah take back what He already gave u in order for Him to replace it with something better...pls do not have regrets in your life..for whatever is it good or bad..there's always a blessing in disguise... just be patient & be strong... and do not bottle up inside when u are facing to someone..get someone to listen..take it from me.. it helps ..even if what that someone can do is only listen.. even if that someone is your trusted friend from cyber...'s too precious n short...

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